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Between in a sentence

Sentence examples for between. Learn how established writers used the word in their sentences. Learn how to imitate them to express your idea.

Nick sat between the two boys.

In between the rounds I worked on his legs.

We worked over Jack plenty too, in between the rounds.

He felt the horn go into the sand between his folded arms.

Blood pumped regularly from between the horse’s front legs.

Down below the water showed black between the slits of ties.

He must do all this and must then come out from between the horns.

“That makes nine of them,” Joe said, “just between here and the edge of town.”

Zurito sat his horse, measuring the distance between the bull and the end of the pic.

Hortons Bay, the town, was only five houses on the main road between Boyne City and Charlevoix.

It was well ballasted and made easy walking, sand and gravel packed between the ties, solid walking.

On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun.

Villalta standing straight and the red hilt of the sword sticking out dully between the bull’s shoulders.

It was a beechwood forest and the fallen beechnut burrs were under his shoes as he walked between the trees.

The evening breeze blew the smoke toward the point, so Marjorie spread the blanket out between the fire and the lake.

He stepped along the track, walking so he kept on the ballast between the ties, the swamp ghostly in the rising mist.

Nick, sitting between the two boys in the dark, felt hollow and happy inside himself to be teased about Prudence Mitchell.

Then he looked down at the machine and jerked his little hand out from between the straps and slapped it hard against his thigh.

The critic of El Heraldo reached for the bottle of warm champagne that stood between his feet, took a drink, and finished his paragraph.

My house was at the very tip of the egg, only fifty yards from the Sound, and squeezed between two huge places that rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season.

I lived at West Egg, the⁠—well, the less fashionable of the two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them.

I glanced at Daisy, who was staring terrified between Gatsby and her husband, and at Jordan, who had begun to balance an invisible but absorbing object on the tip of her chin.

He climbed through between the ropes and put his two fists together and smiled, and shook them at the crowd, first at one side of the ring, then at the other, and then sat down.

He winked at me when the doctor examined his hand, which was between two leather straps that bounced up and down and flapped the stiff fingers, and said: “And will I too play football, captain-doctor?”

The members of the cuadrilla, who had been watching the burlesque from the runway between the barrera and the seats, came walking back and stood in a group talking, under the electric light in the patio.

Pebbly where he stood and pebbly and full of boulders beyond; where it curved near the tree roots, the bed of the stream was marly and between the ruts of deep water green weed fronds swung in the current.

He was very careful to drain his fingers on the edge of the saucer so there was only a film of oil on them, and after he had stroked his forehead and his cheeks, he stroked his nose very delicately between his fingers.

The picador’s lance slid along his back, and as the shock of the charge lifted the horse, the picador was already halfway out of the saddle, lifting his right leg clear as he missed with the lance and falling to the left side to keep the horse between him and the bull.

Corto y derecho, he drew the sword out of the muleta, profiled on the splintered left horn, dropped the muleta across his body, so his right hand with the sword on the level with his eye made the sign of the cross, and, rising on his toes, sighted along the dipping blade of the sword at the spot high up between the bull’s shoulders.

There were the horns, the one splintered, the other smoothly sharp, the need to profile himself toward the left horn, lance himself short and straight, lower the muleta so the bull would follow it, and, going in over the horns, put the sword all the way into a little spot about as big as a five-peseta piece straight in back of the neck, between the sharp pitch of the bull’s shoulders.

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These examples are compiled from various public domain books to illustrate the word usage. Any opinion in the examples do not represent

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