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Of in a sentence

Sentence examples for of. Learn how established writers used the word in their sentences. Learn how to imitate them to express your idea.

They hanged Sam Cardinella at six o’clock in the morning in the corridor of the county jail.

His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed.

That’s what I get for marrying a brute of a man, a great, big, hulking physical specimen of a⁠—

Or, rather, as I didn’t know Mr. Gatsby, it was a mansion inhabited by a gentleman of that name.

The men had moved off up the road to sit in the dark and smoke out of range of the noise she made.

They shot the six cabinet ministers at half-past six in the morning against the wall of a hospital.

Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty, with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner.

It’s up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have control of things.

Villalta standing straight and the red hilt of the sword sticking out dully between the bull’s shoulders.

One hot evening in Milan they carried him up onto the roof and he could look out over the top of the town.

Nick’s father went into the kitchen and poured about half of the water out of the big kettle into a basin.

“You make me feel uncivilized, Daisy,” I confessed on my second glass of corky but rather impressive claret.

Nick and his father got in the stern of the boat and the Indians shoved it off and one of them got in to row.

When they came toward him with the cap to go over his head Sam Cardinella lost control of his sphincter muscles.

It was a matter of chance that I should have rented a house in one of the strangest communities in North America.

Nick sat against the wall of the church where they had dragged him to be clear of machine gun fire in the street.

Giotto, Masaccio, and Piero della Francesca he bought reproductions of and carried them wrapped in a copy of Avanti.

They wanted to get married, but there was not enough time for the banns, and neither of them had birth certificates.

The pink wall of the house opposite had fallen out from the roof, and an iron bedstead hung twisted toward the street.

There was so much to read, for one thing, and so much fine health to be pulled down out of the young breath-giving air.

Her grey sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan, charming, discontented face.

I must have stood for a few moments listening to the whip and snap of the curtains and the groan of a picture on the wall.

There was something pathetic in his concentration, as if his complacency, more acute than of old, was not enough to him any more.

There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, even toward people he liked⁠—and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts.

Evidently it surprised her as much as it did me, for she yawned and with a series of rapid, deft movements stood up into the room.

Father agreed to finance me for a year, and after various delays I came East, permanently, I thought, in the spring of twenty-two.

“Those must boil,” he said, and began to scrub his hands in the basin of hot water with a cake of soap he had brought from the camp.

Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward.

“Now, don’t think my opinion on these matters is final,” he seemed to say, “just because I’m stronger and more of a man than you are.”

It was the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down, as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again.

This increased Cohn’s distaste for boxing, but it gave him a certain satisfaction of some strange sort, and it certainly improved his nose.

The crowd shouted all the time, and threw pieces of bread down into the bull ring, then cushions and leather wine bottles, keeping up whistling and yelling.

The horse’s entrails hung down in a blue bunch and swung backward and forward as he began to canter, the monos whacking him on the back of his legs with the rods.

If she saw me out of the corner of her eyes she gave no hint of it⁠—indeed, I was almost surprised into murmuring an apology for having disturbed her by coming in.

My house was at the very tip of the egg, only fifty yards from the Sound, and squeezed between two huge places that rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season.

Instead of being the warm centre of the world, the Middle West now seemed like the ragged edge of the universe⁠—so I decided to go East and learn the bond business.

In consequence, I’m inclined to reserve all judgements, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores.

It was on that slender riotous island which extends itself due east of New York⁠—and where there are, among other natural curiosities, two unusual formations of land.

Finally the bull was too tired from so much sticking and folded his knees and lay down and one of the cuadrilla leaned out over his neck and killed him with the puntillo.

I graduated from New Haven in 1915, just a quarter of a century after my father, and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War.

I lived at West Egg, the⁠—well, the less fashionable of the two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them.

When she looked at them they didn’t seem to be moving at all but if she went in and dried some more dishes and then came out again they would be out of sight beyond the point.

She was extended full length at her end of the divan, completely motionless, and with her chin raised a little, as if she were balancing something on it which was quite likely to fall.

We were in the same senior society, and while we were never intimate I always had the impression that he approved of me and wanted me to like him with some harsh, defiant wistfulness of his own.

And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.

I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.

He cared nothing for boxing, in fact he disliked it, but he learned it painfully and thoroughly to counteract the feeling of inferiority and shyness he had felt on being treated as a Jew at Princeton.

He drew out the sword from the folds of the muleta and sighted with the same movement and called to the bull, Toro! Toro! and the bull charged and Villalta charged and just for a moment they became one.

It was sharply different from the West, where an evening was hurried from phase to phase towards its close, in a continually disappointed anticipation or else in sheer nervous dread of the moment itself.

Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water, and the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there to have dinner with the Tom Buchanans.

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These examples are compiled from various public domain books to illustrate the word usage. Any opinion in the examples do not represent

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